Help increase fee schedules — HB1655

Dr. Dave Butters

During the 2023 legislative session, the WSCA pursued HB1655, the Cost of Living Allowance (COLA) bill, which would require health insurers to include a COLA increase in provider fee schedules for those not attached to hospitals or hospital affiliates.

The bill was well-received and had some support; however, there was not enough grassroots support to move it out of committee.

During the 2024 legislative session, we will be seeking a companion bill in the Senate to increase our chances of success. For now, we are asking the chiropractic profession to help us, in two ways:

First, use the letter template available for download here. Maybe insurers will refuse or simply ignore the letter; however, the question must be asked for us to show a good-faith attempt to negotiate without legislative intervention.

If they agree to negotiate, we want to know. And if they refuse or ignore you, we want to know that too. Email Lori Grassi at once you have sent the letter and a reasonable response time has elapsed.

Second, reach out to your legislators while they’re spending time in your district. This is the time for you to meet with them or to attend a campaign event. For as little as a $50 donation, you can get to know them in a very informal setting to discuss the issues facing your district and to educate them about the issues facing chiropractic.  You can find your legislators here.

Contact the WSCA at to coordinate with Lori and your WSCA Board representatives. They will help you prepare your talking points and, if possible, attend the meeting with you.

Please engage with you profession today. If you don’t show up and contribute, your message is not heard and we are limited in our ability to accomplish our goals for the profession, and for patient access to your care. 

It’s also critical that you donate to the Trust now.  If you have donated recently and/or are a regular contributor to the WSCT, it is appreciated, and it makes a difference.  We have enclosed a contribution envelope for your convenience. Click on the DONATE button to make either a one-time or recurring donation.

— Dr. Dave Butters, President
Washington State Chiropractic Trust